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Annabeth Chase

Daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom, war, and useful arts. Blonde curly hair, gray eyes, athletic, deep tan. At Camp Half-Blood longer than any camper. Planner and strategist.

"I told you. Athena always, always has a plan." (123 The Lightning Thief Book One)

Luke Castellan

Son of Hermes, god of travelers. Was once the head of the Hermes cabin. Tall, muscular, short-cropped sandy hair. Thick white scar runs from beneath right eye to jaw. Skilled swordsman.

Clarisse La Rue

Daughter of Ares, god of war. Long brown hair, extreamely strong. Aggressive and a fearsome fighter.

Silena Beauregard

Daughter of Aphordite, 

Annabeth Chase

Daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom, war, and useful arts. Blonde curly hair, gray eyes, athletic, deep tan. At Camp Half-Blood longer than any camper. Planner and strategist.

"I told you. Athena always, always has a plan." (123 The Lightning Thief Book One)

Luke Castellan

Son of Hermes, god of travelers. Was once the head of the Hermes cabin. Tall, muscular, short-cropped sandy hair. Thick white scar runs from beneath right eye to jaw. Skilled swordsman.

Clarisse La Rue

Daughter of Ares, god of war. Long brown hair, extreamely strong. Aggressive and a fearsome fighter.

Silena Beauregard

Daughter of Aphordite, goddess of love and beauty. Was head of the Aphodite cabin. Slim, pretty, blue eyes, blonde hair.

Charles Beckendorf

Son of Hephaestus, the god of fire and crafts. Was head of the Hephaestus cabin. Huge, well-built. Excellent armorsmith and ingenious mechanic.

Connor Stoll

Son of Hermes and brother of Travis. Tall, skinny, mop of curly brown hair, crooked smile, shorter than his brother. Nice guy, but big on practical jokes.

Travis Stoll

Son of Hermes and older brother of Connor. Curly hair, crooked smile, a few inches taller than Connor. Similarly fond of jokes.

"...they had those elfish features all Hermes's kids had: upturned eyebrows, sarcastic smiles, and a gleam in their eyes whenever they looked at you---like they were about to drop a firecracker down your shirt."

Chris Rodriguez

Son of Hermes. At one time abandoned camp to join the Titan army.

Thalia Grace

Daughter of Zeus. Turned into a pine tree but later returned to human form. Short dark hair, electric blue eyes, freckles. Lithe, strong, always wears black clothes. Joined the Hunters of Artemis.

"If you've never seen Thalia run into battle, you've never been truly frightened."

Michael Yew

Son of Apollo, god of prophecy, music and healing. Was in charge of Apollo cabin. Short, with pointed nose and scrunched up features. Scowls a lot.


Son of Athena. Annabeth's deputy in Athena cabin.

Lee Fletcher

Son of Apollo.

Katie Gardner

Daughter of Demeter, goddess of agriculture.

Jake Mason

Son of Hephaestus.

Caster and Pollux

Twin sons of Dionysus

Will Solace

Son of Apollo and a healer.

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