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Annabeth Chase is a daughter of Athena. She is incredibly intelligent, brave, stubborn, and can think on her feet. Thalia and Luke (older demigods) found her after she ran away from home when she was seven, and eventually all three were picked up and escorted to camp Half-Blood by Grover the satyr. She has idolized Thalia and admired Luke ever since she met them.

Percy (who she calls "Seaweed Brain") is one of Annabeth's best friends, though they often get annoyed with each other.

She wants to be an architect.

Annabeth Chase is a daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. She lived with her dad until she ran away from her home when she was 7 because her dad and step-mom kept blaming her for all the monsters that kept on attacking them. With the help of Athena, she found Luke Castellan son of Hermes and Thalia Grace daughter of Zeus and traveled with them in the country becoming close friends with Thalia and developing a crush on Luke. Eventually Grover Underwood a Satyr was sent to find her and take her to Camp Half-Blood. While on the way back they ran into a Cyclops and many other monsters, but when they were in sight of the camp many monsters were advancing on them and Thalia sacrificed herself so they could make it. Annabeth first meets Percy when she is feeding him nectar and ambrosia after he beat the Minotaur, then she show's Percy the camp and stars to be a friend to him, then eventually asks him to join there capture the flag team after he makes Clarisse mad at him. She uses her smarts to win capture the flag. Since she came to the camp 5 years ago she has barely been outside the camp but when Percy gets his quest from the Oracle to retrieve the Lighting Bolt, she jumps on the quest to experience battling monsters and the outside world.

She goes by the name ''Wise Girl'' which is what Percy calls her and ''Smart Girl'' by Clarisse

Annabeth has curly, dirty blond hair. She wears a pony tail and her orange camp half-blood t-shirt.She has a celestial-bronze knife that she uses as a weapon which was given to Annabeth by Luke and she has a blue-navy Yankee's hat that turns the her invisible, which was given to her by her mom(Athena) for her 12th birthday. She is Percy's other best friend through out the series.

Her fatal weakness(which found out in Sea of Monsters) is deadly pride, which means she thinks she can do anything and when she doesn't it really strikes her hard

She has a terrible fear of spiders which all children of Athena do

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